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Summary : December 31, 1999. Philip J. Fry, pizza deliveryman and nerdy loser, is cryogenized for 1000 years after being the victim of a dubious joke. So he wakes up 31 December 2999 and discovered the future, its advanced technology and its strange inhabitants. He meets Turanga Leela, a cyclops whose job is to assign to their intended thawed. Fry, refusing the job of delivery boy who just be attributed to him fled and met Bender, a robot bender alcoholic kleptomaniac. After a chase, Leela finally catch them and renounces itself to implant his career. The three accomplices then proceed Professor Hubert Farnsworth home, small small ... nephew of Fry and possessor of a delivery company, inter-galactic, who hired him as a new crew of the vessel
Summary: Since his arrival at Planet Express, Fry lives in local society. He sleeps on the conference table, attracts owls with his food, take safety showers and uses the reactor vessel as a hairdryer. It is fired by Hermes Conrad and is hosted by Bender soon. But the apartment of the robot is 4m ³ and Fry decides to look for another apartment with Bender. They find their happiness but Bender is back in his old apartment because its antenna prevents good TV reception. To console his friend in a deep depression, Fry decides to return to live with robot Bender in his apartment where a surprise awaits ...
Abstract: Leela is in crisis and begins to wonder if it will end up single. It was during an expedition to Vergon 6 that crosses the road crew's ship Zapp Brannigan Kif Kroker and his lieutenant. Leela, who knows the reputation of Captain Brannigan, hopes to make an interesting encounter. However, Zapp is locked Fry, Bender and Leela who intend to violate the protective perimeter around Vergon 6. After a night of "negotiations", the crew is free visit Vergon 6 where they must save a specimen of each species. They discover a small animal that Leela appoint Nibbler. But the ship has no fuel and the world threatens to collapse. Leela, Zapp Brannigan disgusted by, who is in love, yet he must ask for help.
Summary: While Bender is qu'agacé of how robots are treated by humans on Earth, it must with Fry and Leela, deliver a package on Chapek 9, a planet inhabited by robots that systematically kill all humans. It is of course Bender is sent to drop off the package on the planet, but discover that the robots work for humans and the trap. Fry and Leela have no alternative but to disguise himself as a robot to go rescue their friend.
Summary: After seeing an ad in a dream Fry and the Planet Express crew go to a mall to make purchases. In wanting to pay the deposit for Bender who tried to steal merchandise, Fry discovers that his 80 cents left in his account in 1999 it earned $ 4.3 billion. At an auction, he bought various items of the twentieth century with a tin of anchovies, which are the last on earth. Ma, a powerful industry, believes that Fry will use anchovy oil to produce oil for the robot, thus ending the monopoly of Ma. It will then devise a ruse to ruin Fry and force him to sell him the box of anchovies ...
Summary: Fry is to deliver a package on the planet Trisol, a desert planet heated by three suns. After filing his package in the royal palace, Fry finds a bottle and drink the contents to be refreshed. The trisoliens essentially composed of water, Fry has actually swallowed the Emperor, making him the new emperor of the planet. Played by Leela for her imprudence, Fry him know her to be fed taken for a child and asks Leela no longer help him. However, before actually being crowned Emperor, Fry must recite a text by heart. It was during this ceremony that the former emperor, who survived in the belly of Fry asks regain his throne. Trisoliens threatened by the Planet Express crew took refuge in the palace, ey sorry Leela Fry is not there to help ...
Summary : Professor Farnsworth, who has been ridiculed by his enemy and former student Wernstrom at the last symposium, flairoscope invents a machine that can detect the odor of celestial bodies. Fry discovers that a big ball of garbage sent into space by Earth in 2050, threatening to crash into New New York. Professor Poopenmeyer is appointed by the mayor of New New York to find a solution. He decides to send Fry, Leela and Bender land on the ball in order to plant a bomb. But Professor made another mistake and nothing happens as planned.
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