Monday, September 13, 2010

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Diabetes and Diabetic supply

For diabetes mellitus (type 1), food is the same as recommended for the general population. We can therefore speak of "diabetic diet": only a balanced diet is consistent with the treatment. But the patient must assess the amount of carbohydrates ingested and administer the proper dose of insulin.

Changes in eating behavior are often necessary in relation to the habits that led to excess weight and diabetes. It is known that stress increases the sensitivity of dietary fat cells to insulin action. Consequently, the weight loss is the first treatment for type 2 diabetes. Monitor your diet

If you are concerned, a dietitian considers with you (and with a "food diary" that you will hold for a few weeks) the quantity and quality of your diet. The dietitian will help you to correct your mistakes and show you how to balance your meals, changing modes of food preparation, or read a product label industry. A good knowledge of the major food groups, the classification of nutrients and their roles, nutritional needs, the use of vegetables and fruits in the fight against overweight will then allow you to lose weight wisely and sustainably while eating well and without formal prohibited.

For diabetes type 2, the only real problem is ... eat less than his hunger and reduce fat.

The 10 basic principles

1. Reduce the average calorie intake and limit intakes of fats (lipids are 2-3 times more calories than carbohydrates) if you are overweight.
2. Avoid or limit the simple sugars (foods to taste sweet as sugar, honey, desserts, soft drinks) but consume carbohydrates (bread and starches).
3. Choose unsaturated fats (fish, vegetable oils ...) to saturated fats.
4. Ensure the regularity of food intake in three meals.
5. Choose lean meats and eat fish 2-3 times a week.
6. Know which foods are the most caloric and avoid them.
7. Learn equivalences, since they can vary the meal by substituting one food for another.
8. Pay attention to fat "hidden", learn to recognize them: a pastry contains sugar but also fat, red meat does not just proteins, but also a lot of saturated fat, etc..
9. Eat right, plan your diet, avoid snacking between meals, and move ... use model to your family since this lifestyle is for everyone!
10. Reduce the amount of fat in your diet, avoiding fried foods and reduce your alcohol and salt, you can replace with herbs, spices or lemon juice in the seasoning.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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underestimate risks (II)

better inform the diabetic patient

Poor memory, lack of appropriate information or misinterpreted? The glycated hemoglobin is largely unknown. A diabetic patient in three has not heard of one in four do not remember having to practice this assay during the past year. Two out of three among those who actually do not remember the outcome. Moreover, the threshold not to exceed patients is unknown.

"No wonder that three out of four patients felt very controlled. One out of two minimizes the risk of complications and severity of the disease "regrets Pierre-Albert Lefebvre of the French Diabetes Association. Moreover, the link between glycemic control and the risk of developing complications is far from including: four out of ten patients do not care! unwillingness? No, because 7 out of 10 diabetics are seeking better control but 9 out of 10 were unable to obtain a personal goal of control. Finally, the patients interviewed demonstrate concern needing to be addressed soon by insulin. So they overestimate its drawbacks (such as the need for injection), they have an idea surprisingly low benefits such as improved glycemic control, life expectancy and quality of life.

In everyday life, unable to eat and drink what you want, which is the main obstacle cited by 9 out of 10 diabetics. The link between obesity and diabetes is well known even if they find it difficult to lose weight (only 4 of 10 lost weight). Swinging between frustration and anxiety, weight gain worries them. but weight loss is the reverse as a stimulant on other aspects of lifestyle.

Promote patient education

By revealing the weaknesses of the management of type 2 diabetes treated with current medications, the survey underscored once again the importance of information and patient education. It highlights the value of a constant dialogue doctor / patient to make compatible the goals of the first and second expectations. Only a rational plan of treatment and personalized discussed periodically in common, can obviously lead to the accession of the patient and the push to take charge to achieve better control of his diabetes, weight, how it life and its transition to other therapeutic options.

Facing the bomb a silent epidemic with serious consequences, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Europe recommends that patients quickly get a higher education to understand and control their diabetes, the interest of the measurement of HbA1c and the threshold not exceeded and that physicians are more involved in this necessary therapeutic education