A Zip file is what?
Not complicated, it is a list of files compressed archive.
files are compressed to take less space to travel on the NET.
It is also possible to store its documents and save them on a cd for example.
Because an archive with the extension "File. zip can put the files needed to install a program.
There are other types of archive .... rar, ace, cab.
There are others .... but not complicate!
Too often when I ask to down load a file. Zip the Internet user is disabled and does not know what to do ,....
So, first down load this:
The software is in French.
Once the download completes, install the program.
From now archive all detected by the program is recognized automatically, so you need not take the cabbage .... LOL
For example it will download an archive.
Once downloaded and on your desktop, automatically detects the Izarc.
Double-click the icon clean.zip.
Izarc opens automatically!
Then click on the icon "Extract"
then this appears, check that all is checked in the boxes to the left.
Check that the file goes to land on your desk
c: \\ Documents and Settings \\ your name in the PC \\ Desktop \\ clean
Then just click on "Extract"
Explorer opens the folder.
Put yourself on the second clean in the right column.
left appears then what is contained in the archive clean.zip, and the files are decompressed and then used directly. This is
clean.cmd use (for example) double click on
And now you unzipped your zip archive ....
And the programs are ready for use. ..
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