Diabetes: The French concerned but uninformed ... (I)
Diabetes is a global scourge and our country is suffering because 3 million people are now diabetic. Every day, nearly 400 new patients are diagnosed and 2020, the number of people treated will have doubled in France. But the French know that diabetes? The point to mark the World Diabetes Day, November 14.
The United Nations has adopted 20 December 2006 Resolution 61/225 which recognizes diabetes as a "chronic, debilitating and costly, associated with severe complications, which poses severe risks for families, Member States and the world. " Since then, she participated in the World Day against the scourge that currently affects nearly 250 million people in the world 1, and 380 million within 15 years 2. Despite these figures, the disease remains largely unknown. Novo Nordisk has conducted a study with FIFG inédite3 to assess the knowledge and image that the French have the disease.
Diabetes: a disease that is feared close
If diabetes is a disease in which the French are facing, they have a vague knowledge and the role of prevention remains small. And nearly 3 out of 4 French know someone with diabetes. In over half the cases (57%), it is a person in the family (mainly diabetes type 2).
they feel as much at risk for? A quarter of French (26%) believes present a higher risk of developing diabetes. If a clear majority (61%) said that low risk, only 15% consider it "very low or zero." Only 10% say they have no idea about the issue.
And it is therefore a major concern, with 56% of French people have already sought to know whether they were personally diabetes. However, this approach is especially among the older majority (83% of people over 65 years). Conversely, they are only 36% of those under age 35 and 27% of 15-24 year olds having taken this step. Diabetes complications are feared because 65% think that diabetes can cause "very serious" complications, while 31% think "fairly serious". Only 2% of respondents believe that the potential complications of the disease are "not serious" and none of them "not serious at all."
(to be continued)
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