Diabetes: eat a balanced diet and get active! Junk food, weight, physical inactivity. Diabetes is a disease more common, an insidious disease that occurs without warning and long passes unnoticed. Yet the consequences can be dramatic. If salaries are of course essential to prevent the most serious complications, a healthy lifestyle can reduce risk.
diabetes, you know! But maybe you still believe that this disease is for some people. Think again, more than 2 million French are concerned, as 150 million people worldwide. And these staggering numbers are increasing, so much so that today we speak of real epidemic.
should know that this disease is characterized by excess blood glucose, the body does not secrete enough insulin to digest the sugar found in foods. If diabetes Type 1 requires daily treatment with insulin, diabetes type 2, which includes nine out of ten patients can be treated by drugs, a balanced diet and regular physical activity. The treatment of type 2 diabetes begins with a single oral antidiabetic agent. Insulin injections will supplement or replace if glycemic control is not satisfactory.
Dietetics, part of the treatment
progression of diabetes is largely related to changes in our lifestyles, so changing our behavior is part of the treatment of this disease and whatever medication. The idea is not always easy to recognize because the early stages of the disease the patient feels no symptoms and have trouble assessing the value of a revolution in his habits. Especially since the results may not be immediately apparent. Yet so does the trend towards more severe forms. But who says behavior modification does not crash diet!
A balanced and varied diet is the key to good management of diabetes and will delay the complications.
If diabetics fail to use wisely sugar to run their organization, yet it is basically fat that will have to tackle in the diet. Surprising as it may seem, fatty foods are also harmful to the patients that foods that elevate blood sugar because they promote cardiovascular risks. And he should know that these are major risk in people with diabetes. Indeed the probability of developing a myocardial infarction is multiplied by two to four in a diabetic heart attack and these are two times more often fatal. Similarly, diabetics are twice as likely as people without diabetes to develop arteritis lower limbs. Finally, these patients are more often victims of strokes and these problems are usually there too, more severe than in non-diabetics.
Hence the importance of a healthy lifestyle involving physical activity and dietary measures.
Some rules of good conduct
<> Eat a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity are expected to adopt attitudes that everyone, not just people with diabetes. But for patients more than others, few rules apply:
<> Do not skip meals and Avoid snacking;
<> For cooking, promote as much as possible modes of cooking without fat and replacing animal fat in particular the butter fat of plant origin. Enjoy the kitchen steam!
<> Limit your intake of fatty meats, cold cuts, choose lean meats (rabbit, chicken, duck) and put the fish on the menu;
<> Do not combine more fatty foods in one meal;
<> Divide consumption carbohydrates between meals;
<> Eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, five a day! Not to mention Pulses and whole grains;
you <> Ban sugary drinks;
<> If you are overweight, try losing a few pounds, it will support the action of insulin;
<> Stop smoking
<> And finally moving! Get active. Endurance sports such as walking, running or cycling are recommended especially when practiced regularly. If you have any doubts about the physical activity that you want to practice, talk to your doctor.
Remember to take you on sugary foods to take in case of hypoglycemia. These different
measures should not make you forget that it is essential to carefully follow your treatment and consult your doctor regularly. Do not hide your illness, instead tell your friends, your fellow officers and tell them what to do if you feel unwell.