Thursday, December 16, 2010

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myrtille commune-Vaccinium myrtillus
common description of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus ) blueberry
The county (Vaccinium myrtillus) is a subshrub of the family Ericaceae, which also produces fruit called blueberries, cranberries belonging to the group.
The name of blueberry, which designates the plant as well as its fruit, refers to the origin only Vaccinium myrtillus, but the name of blueberry spread to other species, including American, have been expanded in culture.
medicinal plant used for its astringent effect on diarrhea and cons of the legs, often comes in capsule form or in juice.

Parts used
dried ripe fruit


Blueberry Capsule Tablet Blueberry
Infusion (tea) Blueberry Juice Blueberry

Properties / Effects / Hint:
Effects of Bilberry:
> Antidiarrheal, antibacterial, astringent

Directions Blueberry:
> Diarrhea , viral gastroenteritis, heavy legs, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, colitis (pain and spasm), cystitis

Side effects: none known (in our opinion)
Contraindication: None known (in our opinion)
Interaction: no known (in our opinion)


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